Output Sports – Silicon Republic’s Start-up of the Week

Submitted on Monday, 31/08/2020

Silicon Republic has named Output Sports as their Start-up of the Week. Output Sports is an Insight@UCD spin-out developing athlete performance testing and tracking technology to improve training programmes and reduce injury risk.

With experience in physiotherapy, sports medicine and sports science, the team behind Output Sports recognised plenty of room for improvement in athlete testing and tracking.

The process currently involves the use of cumbersome, bespoke equipment that measures a small subset of fitness attributes, making testing and tracking a resource-intensive exercise for elite athletes, in terms of both time and money.

According to Output Sports co-founder and chief scientific officer Dr Darragh Whelan, current testing and tracking procedures take strength coaches and medics away from the job that they love doing, which is coaching and rehabilitating athletes.

To try and solve both of these problems, Whelan co-founded University College Dublin (UCD) spin-out Output Sports, a company that is developing an end-to-end solution to test and track athletic performance with laboratory grade accuracy.

You can read the full profile in Silicon Republic