Talha Iqbal

Talha Iqbal

Research Associate

TALHA IQBAL received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2016 and 2018, respectively. He recently completed his PhD degree with the School of Medicine, University of Galway, Ireland, in 2023 and currently working as a Research Associate at the University of Galway, Ireland. His PhD was focused on the investigation and development of a novel wearable device to detect and predict stress using bio-physiological biomarkers.

His research spans the disciplines of engineering and medicine, with a focus on AI/machine learning, data science, biosensors, wearable devices, and signal processing.

He was a recipient of the COMSATS full-time Scholarship (A+ category) (2017/2018), the QCRI/Boeing Travel Grant, Qatar, in 2018, the Top-10 APPRC Award (2017/2018), Australia, and the Scholarship under SFI Professorship Award, Ireland, in 2019.