Prof. Boualem Benatallah

Funded Investigator

Prof. Benatallah is a full professor of computing at Dublin City University (DCU, Ireland) since Jan 2022. He has had over 21 years as a senior lecturer, associate professor, professor and then Scientia professor 1 at UNSW Sydney (Australia) before joining DCU. He held visiting professor positions at several prestigious research institutes and universities including INRIA-LORIA, Trento University (Italy), Clermont Ferrand, University of Lyon, Paris Dauphine University (France).

Prof. Benatallah’s main research interests are developing fundamental concepts and techniques in service Web services middleware, business process automation, process mining, quality control in crowd sourcing services, automated and crowdsourced training data curation, intelligent and AI-augmented services, conversational cognitive services, context aware and compositional task-oriented conversational services. He has published more than 340 refereed papers including more than 100 journal papers. Most of his papers appeared in very selective and reputable conferences and journals. His research attracted over a large amount competitive grant income. He is frequently invited to give keynotes and seminars at international conferences, workshops and PhD schools. Prof. Benatallah has been general and PC chair of a number of international conferences. He has been guest editor of several special issues for reputable international journals. He was/is member of the steering committee of BPM (Business Process Management, 2005-2022) and ICSOC (Int. Conference on Service Oriented Computing) conferences (2008-present). He is member of the editorial board of numerous international journals including ACM Computing Surveys, ACM Transactions on Web and IEEE transaction on services computing, Springer computing, distributed and parallel databases journals. He was associate editor of IEEE transactions on cloud computing (2016-2020). He was a member of Executive Committee of IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Business Informatics and Systems. He was a founding member of the team, comprising multiple university, government and industry partners, that proposed the Smart Services CRC (Cooperative Research Centre), 2007. He was research stream leader and a key contributor (2015-2019) at the Data 2 Decisions (D2D) CRC. He supervised over 38 research (33 PhD and 5 Masters by Research) students to completion as principal or joint supervisor. He was also associate supervisor of several research students.