Duc Minh Ngo

Ph.D. Student

Duc-Minh Ngo is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at University College Cork with Dr. Emanuel Popovici and Dr. Colin Murphy as his supervisors. He has started his academic journey in the fall semester of 2020 with funding from the Insight Centre for Data Analytics research centre. His research concentrates on scalable Blockchain for hardware accelerators which are FPGA, SOCs, and GPU (Graphics processing units) platforms for developing an anomaly-based detection system using machine learning for IoTs (Internet of Things) and further on WSNs (Wireless sensor networks).
He holds a Master of Engineering degree in Computer Science in 2020 from Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (Dai Hoc Bach Khoa TpHCM). His research focused on designing and implementing a high-throughput and secured OpenFlow Switch on the NetFPGA platform and applying machine learning techniques to detect DDoS attacks. Originally, his background is in Computer Engineering in the same university in which he received his bachelor’s degree in 2016.
His interest terms are Hardware accelerators, FPGA, Network Security, Software-defined networking, Blockchain, IoTs/WSNs.