Ahsan Awais was born in Punjab, Pakistan in 1994. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from the Capital University of Science and Technology (i.e., formerly known as Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad), Pakistan, in 2017 and a Masters degree (research mode) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Malaysia in 2021.
Ahsan is currently enrolled in the Insight Research Ireland Centre for Data Analytics as a PhD research scholar in the faculty of Computing and Engineering at Dublin City University (DCU), under the supervision of Dr. Graham Healy and Prof. Tomas Ward.
His research area is related to EEG based Brain Computer Interfaces and the PhD project is part of a large-scale European collaborative grant entitled “BITSCOPE: Brain Integrated Tagging for Socially Curated Online Personalized Experiences” involving partners across Europe.