I am a Post Doctoral researcher at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics where my work focuses on computational techniques and resources to support under-resourced and minority languages. My research interest are in the areas of natural language processing, as well as the Celtic languages, in particular, Old Irish. I created the Würzburg Irish Glosses website (wurzburg.ie) and two Universal Dependencies treebanks of Old Irish glosses.
I received my BA from University College Cork in 2012, after which I went on to receive an MA in Medieval Celtic Languages and Literature (Early Irish and Medieval Welsh) from University College Dublin in 2013. I studied Information Systems for Business Performance in University College Cork, and was awarded an MSc in 2016. I also received a Higher Diploma in Irish (TEG Level C1) from the University of Galway in 2020.
I completed my PhD research in 2024 under the supervision of Dr. John McCrae and Dr. Clodagh Downey. My research addresses the application of natural language processing techniques to diplomatically edited Old Irish text.