2 X Post-Doctoral Researcher, Insight Centre for Data Analytics
24 Months, Fixed-term, Whole-time Post
Position Summary
Applications are invited for two Post-Doctoral Researchers to join the Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics, based at the Department of Computer Science, University College Cork, Ireland. The position holders will work on the H2020 projects (1) TAILOR: Foundations of Trustworthy AI Integrating Learning, Optimisation and Reasoning & (2) HAI-Net: Humane AI-Network, and (3) VISION: Value and Impact through Synergy, Interaction and Cooperation of Networks of AI Excellence Centres.
About Insight
The Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics (http://www.Insight-centre.org) is an SFI funded Research Centre that brings together researchers from University College Dublin, NUI Galway, University College Cork, and Dublin City University, as well as other partner institutions, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), University of Limerick (UL), Maynooth University (MU) and Tyndall National Institute. It creates a critical mass of more than 400 researchers from Ireland’s leading ICT clusters to carry out research on a new generation of data analytics technologies in a number of key application domain areas, such as Health and Human Performance, Smart Communities, Internet of Things, Enterprise and Services and Sustainability and Operations.
The aim of TAILOR is to build a strong academic-public-industrial research network with the capacity of providing the scientific basis for Trustworthy AI leveraging and combining learning, optimization and reasoning for realizing AI systems that incorporate the safeguards that make them in the reliable, safe, transparent and respectful of human agency and expectations. Not only the mechanisms to maximize benefits, but also those for minimizing harm. The network is based on several innovative state-of-the-art mechanisms. A multi-stakeholder strategic research and innovation research roadmap coordinates and guides the research in the five basic research programs. Each program forming virtual research environments with many of the best AI researchers in Europe addressing the major scientific challenges identified in the roadmap. A collection of mechanisms supporting innovation, commercialization, and knowledge transfer to industry. To support network collaboration TAILOR provides mechanisms such as AI-Powered Collaboration Tools, a PhD program, and training programs. A connectivity fund to support active dissemination across Europe through for example allowing the network to grow and to support the scientific stepping up of more research groups.
About HumanE AI Net
The HumanE AI Net project brings together top European research centres, universities, and key industrial champions into a network of centres of excellence that goes beyond a narrow definition of AI and combines world leading AI competence with key players in related areas such as HCI, cognitive science, social sciences and complexity science. This is crucial to develop a truly Human Centric brand of European AI. It will leverage the synergies between the involved centres of excellence to develop the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs needed to shape the AI revolution in a direction that is beneficial to humans both individually and societally, and adheres to European ethical values and social, cultural, legal, and political norms. The core challenge is the development of robust, trustworthy AI capable of what “understanding” humans, adapting to complex real-world environments, and appropriately interacting in complex social settings. The aim is to facilitate AI systems that enhance human capabilities and empower individuals and society while respecting human autonomy and self-determination.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of strategic importance and a key driver of economic development, bringing solutions to many societal challenges ranging from treating diseases to minimising the environmental impact of farming. The EU is focussing on connecting and strengthening AI research centres across Europe and supporting the development of AI applications in key sectors. To ensure Europe stays at the forefront of AI developments, the EU-funded VISION project will build on Europe’s world-class community of researchers. The project will also build on the success and organisation of CLAIRE (the Confederation of Laboratories for AI Research in Europe) as well as of AI4EU, which was established to set up the first European Artificial Intelligence On-Demand Platform and Ecosystem. Core objectives of Vison is to mobilise the European AI Community, foster strong connection between academia and industry, develop a European approach to AI skills education, promote the EU as an attractive environment for AI research and researchers. Strengthen the synergies between Europe’s AI networks of excellence.
Post Duration: 24 Months
Salary: €39,522- €46,906 p.a. (IUA Salary Scale)
Project Title: TAILOR: Foundations of Trustworthy AI Integrating Learning, Optimisation and Reasoning & HumanE AI-Net & Vision
For an information package including further details of the post see https://ore.ucc.ie/.
Informal enquiries can be made in confidence to Professor Barry O’Sullivan, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, CSIT, UCC; Email: b.osullivan@cs.ucc.ie.
Applications must be submitted online via the University College Cork vacancy portal (https://ore.ucc.ie/). Queries relating to the online application process should be referred to recruitment@ucc.ie, quoting the job-title and project name.
Candidates should apply, in confidence, before 12 noon (Irish Local Time) on Friday, 24 June 2022. No late applications will be accepted.
Please note that an appointment to posts advertised will be dependent on University approval, together with the terms of the employment control framework for the higher education sector.
UCC is committed to creating and fully embracing an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated. As a University we strive to create a workplace that reflects the diversity of our student population where people from a wide variety of backgrounds learn from one another, share ideas, and work collaboratively. UCC is committed to being an employer that recognises the value of diversity amongst its staff. We encourage applicants to consult our policies at https://www.ucc.ie/en/edi/policies/ and initiatives at https://www.ucc.ie/en/edi/implementation/ and we welcome applications from everyone, including those who are underrepresented in the protected characteristics set out in our Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy.
Contact Person: Professor Barry O’Sullivan
Contact Email: b.osullivan@cs.ucc.ie
Job ID: 055411
Close Date: 24-June-2022 12:00