Insight Global: International representation, national standards – meet Sweta Malik

Submitted on Thursday, 08/12/2022

Insight’s people are involved in all sorts of international collaboration and representation. Take Sweta Malik, a PhD candidate in Insight at the University of Galway, for example. This year, she was selected for the International Electrotechnical Commissions YP 2022, representing Ireland. She is also a committee member of the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) for various technical committees like TC 20 working on Smart Grid, Renewable energy, an energy efficiency where experts worldwide discuss upcoming standards. Sweta is also the Outreach officer of the IEEE Student branch at her University.

Her research work is on Peer-to-Peer energy trading using game theory. She is devolving various trading algorithms to trade distributed energy resources using game theory techniques like cooperative game theory, non-cooperative game theory, and auction mechanism. She has publications in reputable IEEE conferences and Elsevier Journals.

Sweta holds an MTech degree in Renewable Engineering and Energy Management from TERI University, India(2017-2019). She graduated with a BTech degree in Electrical. Engineering from JECRC University, India.