Sweta Malik

Ph.D. Student

Sweta Malik is a PhD Student under Prof. John Breslin, Dr Subhasis Thakur, and Dr Maeve Duffy at the University of Galway.  Her current research focuses on peer-to-peer energy trading in a distribution network. In particular, she is working on generating trading algorithms based on game theory and auction mechanisms.

Sweta holds an MTech degree in Renewable Engineering and Energy Management from TERI University, India(2017-2019). She graduated with a BTech degree in Electrical. Engineering from JECRC University, India.

  • She is a Committee member of the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) in NSAI/ETC 20 on Smart Grids, Renewables, Electric Vehicles, and Energy Efficiency. She was also awarded Young Professional Award to represent Ireland at International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
  • Research contributions in peer-to-peer energy trading, cooperative game theory, non-cooperative game theory, decentralised home energy management system, and auction mechanism.
  • Publications in reputable IEEE conferences and Elsevier Journal.